Source code for equadratures.optimisation

"""Perform unconstrained or constrained optimisation."""
from equadratures.basis import Basis
from equadratures.poly import Poly
from equadratures.subspaces import Subspaces
from equadratures.parameter import Parameter
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial
from scipy.stats import linregress
import warnings
[docs]class Optimisation: """ This class performs unconstrained or constrained optimisation of poly objects or custom functions using scipy.optimize.minimize or an in-house trust-region method. Parameters ---------- method : str A string specifying the method that will be used for optimisation. Any of the methods available from :obj:`scipy.optimize.minimize` can be chosen. In the case of general constrained optimisation, the options are ``COBYLA``, ``SLSQP``, and ``trust-constr``. The in-house options ``trust-region`` and ``omorf`` are also available. """ def __init__(self, method): self.method = method self.objective = {'function': None, 'gradient': None, 'hessian': None} self.maximise = False self.bounds = None self.constraints = [] self.num_evals = 0 # np.random.seed(42) if self.method in ['trust-region', 'omorf']: self.num_evals = 0 self.S = np.array([]) self.f = np.array([]) self.g = np.array([])
[docs] def add_objective(self, poly=None, custom=None, maximise=False): """ Adds objective function to be optimised. Parameters ---------- poly : Poly A Poly object. custom : dict, optional Dictionary containing optional arguments: - **function** (Callable): The objective function to be called. - **jac_function** (Callable, *optional*): The gradient (or derivative) of the objective. - **hess_function** (Callable, *optional*): The Hessian of the objective function. maximise : bool, optional A flag to specify if the user would like to maximise the function instead of minimising it. """ assert poly is not None or custom is not None if self.method == 'trust-region': assert poly is None assert custom is not None self.maximise = maximise k = 1.0 if self.maximise: k = -1.0 if poly is not None: f = poly.get_polyfit_function() jac = poly.get_polyfit_grad_function() hess = poly.get_polyfit_hess_function() objective = lambda x: k*np.asscalar(f(x)) objective_deriv = lambda x: k*jac(x)[:,0] objective_hess = lambda x: k*hess(x)[:,:,0] elif custom is not None: assert 'function' in custom objective = lambda s: k*custom['function'](s) if 'jac_function' in custom: objective_deriv = lambda s: k*custom['jac_function'](s) else: objective_deriv = '2-point' if 'hess_function' in custom: objective_hess = lambda s: k*custom['hess_function'](s) else: objective_hess = optimize.BFGS() self.objective = {'function': objective, 'gradient': objective_deriv, 'hessian': objective_hess}
[docs] def add_bounds(self, lb, ub): """ Adds bounds :math:`lb <= x <=ub` to the optimisation problem. Only ``L-BFGS-B``, ``TNC``, ``SLSQP``, ``trust-constr``, ``trust-region``, and ``COBYLA`` methods can handle bounds. Parameters ---------- lb : numpy.ndarray 1-by-n matrix that contains lower bounds of x. ub : numpy.ndarray 1-by-n matrix that contains upper bounds of x. """ assert lb.size == ub.size assert self.method in ['L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'SLSQP', 'trust-constr', 'COBYLA', 'trust-region', 'omorf'] if self.method in ['trust-region', 'omorf']: self.bounds = [lb, ub] elif self.method != 'COBYLA': self.bounds = [] for i in range(lb.size): self.bounds.append((lb[i], ub[i])) self.bounds = tuple(self.bounds) else: for factor in range(lb.size): if not np.isinf(lb[factor]): l = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x, i=factor: x[i] - lb[i]} self.constraints.append(l) if not np.isinf(ub[factor]): u = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x, i=factor: ub[i] - x[i]} self.constraints.append(u)
[docs] def add_linear_ineq_con(self, A, b_l, b_u): """ Adds linear inequality constraints :math:`b_l <= A x <= b_u` to the optimisation problem. Only ``trust-constr``, ``COBYLA``, and ``SLSQP`` methods can handle general constraints. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray An (M,n) matrix that contains coefficients of the linear inequality constraints. b_l : numpy.ndarray An (M,1) matrix that specifies lower bounds of the linear inequality constraints. If there is no lower bound, set ``b_l = -np.inf * np.ones(M)``. b_u : numpy.ndarray An (M,1) matrix that specifies upper bounds of the linear inequality constraints. If there is no upper bound, set ``b_u = np.inf * np.ones(M)``. """ # trust-constr method has its own linear constraint handler assert self.method in ['SLSQP', 'trust-constr', 'COBYLA'] if self.method == 'trust-constr': self.constraints.append(optimize.LinearConstraint(A,b_l,b_u)) # other methods add inequality constraints using dictionary files else: if not np.any(np.isinf(b_l)): self.constraints.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:,x) - b_l, 'jac': lambda x: A}) if not np.any(np.isinf(b_u)): self.constraints.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:,x) + b_u, 'jac': lambda x: -A})
[docs] def add_nonlinear_ineq_con(self, poly=None, custom=None): """ Adds nonlinear inequality constraints :math:`lb <= g(x) <= ub` (for poly option) with :math:`lb`, :math:`ub = bounds` or :math:`g(x) >= 0` (for function option) to the optimisation problem. Only ``trust-constr``, ``COBYLA``, and ``SLSQP`` methods can handle general constraints. If Poly object is provided in the poly dictionary, gradients and Hessians will be computed automatically. If a lambda function is provided via ``function`` dictionary, the user may also provide ``jac_function`` for gradients and ``hess_function`` for Hessians; otherwise, a 2-point differentiation rule will be used to approximate the derivative and a BFGS update will be used to approximate the Hessian. Parameters ---------- poly : dict, optional Dictionary containing a Poly and bounds for constraints: - **poly** (Poly): An instance of the Poly class. - **bounds** (numpy.ndarray): An array with two entries specifying the lower and upper bounds of the inequality. If there is no lower bound, set ``bounds[0] = -np.inf``. If there is no upper bound, set ``bounds[1] = np.inf``. custom : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional custom callable arguments: - **function** (Callable): The constraint function to be called. - **jac_function** (Callable, *optional*): The gradient (or derivative) of the constraint. - **hess_function** (Callable, *optional*): The Hessian of the constraint function. """ assert self.method in ['SLSQP', 'trust-constr', 'COBYLA'] assert poly is not None or custom is not None if poly is not None: assert 'bounds' in poly bounds = poly['bounds'] assert 'poly' in poly gpoly = poly['poly'] # Get lambda functions for function, gradient, and Hessians from poly object g = gpoly.get_polyfit_function() jac = gpoly.get_polyfit_grad_function() hess = gpoly.get_polyfit_hess_function() constraint = lambda x: g(x)[0] constraint_deriv = lambda x: jac(x)[:,0] constraint_hess = lambda x, v: hess(x)[:,:,0] if self.method == 'trust-constr': self.constraints.append(optimize.NonlinearConstraint(constraint, bounds[0], bounds[1], \ jac = constraint_deriv, hess = constraint_hess)) # other methods add inequality constraints using dictionary files elif self.method == 'SLSQP': if not np.isinf(bounds[0]): self.constraints.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: constraint(x) - bounds[0], \ 'jac': constraint_deriv}) if not np.isinf(bounds[1]): self.constraints.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: -constraint(x) + bounds[1], \ 'jac': lambda x: -constraint_deriv(x)}) else: if not np.isinf(bounds[0]): self.constraints.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: constraint(x) - bounds[0]}) if not np.isinf(bounds[1]): self.constraints.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: -constraint(x) + bounds[1]}) elif custom is not None: assert 'function' in custom constraint = custom['function'] if 'jac_function' in custom: constraint_deriv = custom['jac_function'] else: constraint_deriv = '2-point' if 'hess_function' in custom: constraint_hess = lambda x, v: custom['hess_function'](x) else: constraint_hess = optimize.BFGS() if self.method == 'trust-constr': self.constraints.append(optimize.NonlinearConstraint(constraint, 0.0, np.inf, jac = constraint_deriv, \ hess = constraint_hess)) elif self.method == 'SLSQP': if 'jac_function' in custom: self.constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint, 'jac': constraint_deriv}) else: self.constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint}) else: self.constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint})
[docs] def add_linear_eq_con(self, A, b): """ Adds linear equality constraints :math:`Ax = b` to the optimisation routine. Only ``trust-constr`` and ``SLSQP`` methods can handle equality constraints. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray An (M, n) matrix that contains coefficients of the linear equality constraints. b : numpy.ndarray An (M, 1) matrix that specifies right hand side of the linear equality constraints. """ assert self.method == 'trust-constr' or 'SLSQP' if self.method == 'trust-constr': self.constraints.append(optimize.LinearConstraint(A,b,b)) else: self.constraints.append({'type':'eq', 'fun': lambda x: - b, 'jac': lambda x: A})
[docs] def add_nonlinear_eq_con(self, poly=None, custom=None): """ Adds nonlinear inequality constraints :math:`g(x) = value` (for poly option) or :math:`g(x) = 0` (for function option) to the optimisation routine. Only ``trust-constr`` and ``SLSQP`` methods can handle equality constraints. If poly object is provided in the poly dictionary, gradients and Hessians will be computed automatically. Parameters ---------- poly : dict, optional Dictionary containing a Poly and value for constraints: - **poly** (Poly): An instance of the Poly class. - **value** (float): Value of the nonlinear constraint. custom : dict, optional Dictionary containing additional custom callable arguments: - **function** (Callable): The constraint function to be called. - **jac_function** (Callable, *optional*): The gradient (or derivative) of the constraint. - **hess_function** (Callable, *optional*): The Hessian of the constraint function. """ assert self.method == 'trust-constr' or 'SLSQP' assert poly is not None or custom is not None if poly is not None: assert 'value' in poly value = poly['value'] g = poly.get_polyfit_function() jac = poly.get_polyfit_grad_function() hess = poly.get_polyfit_hess_function() constraint = lambda x: np.asscalar(g(x)) constraint_deriv = lambda x: jac(x)[:,0] constraint_hess = lambda x, v: hess(x)[:,:,0] if self.method == 'trust-constr': self.constraints.append(optimize.NonlinearConstraint(constraint, value, value, jac=constraint_deriv, \ hess=constraint_hess)) else: self.constraints.append({'type':'eq', 'fun': lambda x: constraint(x) - value, \ 'jac': constraint_deriv}) elif custom is not None: assert 'function' in custom constraint = custom['function'] if 'jac_function' in custom: constraint_deriv = custom['jac_function'] else: constraint_deriv = '2-point' if 'hess_function' in custom: constraint_hess = lambda x, v: custom['hess_function'](x) else: constraint_hess = optimize.BFGS() if self.method == 'trust-constr': self.constraints.append(optimize.NonlinearConstraint(constraint, 0.0, 0.0, jac=constraint_deriv, \ hess=constraint_hess)) else: if 'jac_function' in custom: self.constraints.append({'type':'eq', 'fun': constraint, 'jac': constraint_deriv}) else: self.constraints.append({'type':'eq', 'fun': constraint})
[docs] def optimise(self, x0, *args, **kwargs): """ Performs optimisation on a specified function, provided the objective has been added using :meth:'~equadratures.optimisation.add_objective' and constraints have been added using the relevant method. Parameters ---------- x0 : numpy.ndarray Starting point for optimiser. del_k : float Initial trust-region radius for ``trust-region`` or ``omorf`` methods delmin : float Minimum allowable trust-region radius for ``trust-region`` or ``omorf`` methods delmax : float Maximum allowable trust-region radius for ``trust-region`` or ``omorf`` methods d : int Reduced dimension for ``omorf`` method subspace_method : str Subspace method for ``omorf`` method with options ``variable-projection`` or ``active-subspaces`` Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the optimisation result. Important attributes are: the solution array ``x``, and a Boolean flag ``success`` indicating if the optimiser exited successfully. """ assert self.objective['function'] is not None if self.method in ['Newton-CG', 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg', 'trust-krylov', 'trust-exact', 'trust-constr']: sol = optimize.minimize(self.objective['function'], x0, method=self.method, bounds = self.bounds, \ jac=self.objective['gradient'], hess=self.objective['hessian'], \ constraints=self.constraints, options={'disp': False, 'maxiter': 10000}) sol = {'x': sol['x'], 'fun': sol['fun'], 'nfev': self.num_evals, 'status': sol['status']} elif self.method in ['CG', 'BFGS', 'L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'SLSQP']: sol = optimize.minimize(self.objective['function'], x0, method=self.method, bounds = self.bounds, \ jac=self.objective['gradient'], constraints=self.constraints, \ options={'disp': False, 'maxiter': 10000}) sol = {'x': sol['x'], 'fun': sol['fun'], 'nfev': self.num_evals, 'status': sol['status']} elif self.method in ['trust-region']: self._trust_region(x0, del_k=kwargs.get('del_k', None), rho_min=kwargs.get('rho_min', 1.0e-6), \ eta_1=kwargs.get('eta_1', 0.1), eta_2=kwargs.get('eta_2', 0.7), \ gam_dec=kwargs.get('gam_dec', 0.5), gam_inc=kwargs.get('gam_inc', 2.0), \ gam_inc_overline=kwargs.get('gam_inc_overline', 2.5), alpha_1=kwargs.get('alpha_1', 0.1), \ alpha_2=kwargs.get('alpha_2', 0.5), omega_s=kwargs.get('omega_s', 0.5), \ max_evals=kwargs.get('max_evals', 10000), random_initial=kwargs.get('random_initial', False), \ scale_bounds=kwargs.get('scale_bounds', False)) sol = {'x': self.s_old, 'fun': self.f_old, 'nfev': self.num_evals} elif self.method in ['omorf']: self._omorf(x0, d=kwargs.get('d', 1), subspace_method=kwargs.get('subspace_method', 'active-subspaces'), \ del_k=kwargs.get('del_k', None), rho_min=kwargs.get('rho_min', 1.0e-8), eta_1=kwargs.get('eta_1', 0.1), \ eta_2=kwargs.get('eta_2', 0.7), gam_dec=kwargs.get('gam_dec', 0.98), gam_inc=kwargs.get('gam_inc', 2.0), \ gam_inc_overline=kwargs.get('gam_inc_overline', 2.5), alpha_1=kwargs.get('alpha_1', 0.9), \ alpha_2=kwargs.get('alpha_2', 0.95), omega_s=kwargs.get('omega_s', 0.5), \ max_evals=kwargs.get('max_evals', 1000), random_initial=kwargs.get('random_initial', False), \ scale_bounds=kwargs.get('scale_bounds', False)) sol = {'x': self.s_old, 'fun': self.f_old, 'nfev': self.num_evals} else: sol = optimize.minimize(self.objective['function'], x0, method=self.method, bounds=self.bounds, \ constraints=self.constraints, options={'disp': False, 'maxiter': 10000}) sol = {'x': sol['x'], 'fun': sol['fun'], 'nfev': self.num_evals, 'status': sol['status']} if self.maximise: sol['fun'] *= -1.0 return sol
def _set_iterate(self): ind_min = np.argmin(self.f) self.s_old = self.S[ind_min,:] self.f_old = np.asscalar(self.f[ind_min]) self._update_bounds() def _set_del_k(self, value): self.del_k = value self._update_bounds() def _set_rho_k(self, value): self.rho_k = value def _set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(self, count): self.count = count def _set_ratio(self, r_k): self.r_k = r_k def _calculate_subspace(self, S, f): parameters = [Parameter(distribution='uniform', lower=self.bounds_l[i], \ upper=self.bounds_u[i], order=1) for i in range(0, self.n)] poly = Poly(parameters, basis=Basis('total-order'), method='least-squares', \ sampling_args={'sample-points': S, 'sample-outputs': f}) poly.set_model() Subs = Subspaces(full_space_poly=poly, method='active-subspace', subspace_dimension=self.d) U0 = Subs.get_subspace()[:,0].reshape(-1,1) U1 = Subs.get_subspace()[:,1:] for i in range(self.d-1): R = [] for j in range(U1.shape[1]): U = np.hstack((U0, U1[:, j].reshape(-1,1))) Y =, U) myParameters = [Parameter(distribution='uniform', lower=np.min(Y[:,k]), upper=np.max(Y[:,k]), \ order=2) for k in range(Y.shape[1])] myBasis = Basis('total-order') poly = Poly(myParameters, myBasis, method='least-squares', \ sampling_args={'sample-points':Y, 'sample-outputs':f}) poly.set_model() _,_,r,_,_ = linregress(poly.get_polyfit(Y).flatten(),f.flatten()) R.append(r**2) index = np.argmax(R) U0 = np.hstack((U0, U1[:, index].reshape(-1,1))) U1 = np.delete(U1, index, 1) if self.subspace_method == 'variable-projection': vp_args = {'U0': U0, 'maxiter': 2*self.d*self.n} Subs = Subspaces(method='variable-projection', sample_points=S, sample_outputs=f, dr_args=vp_args) self.U = Subs.get_subspace()[:, :self.d] elif self.subspace_method == 'active-subspaces': self.U = U0 def _blackbox_evaluation(self, s): """ Evaluates the point s for ``trust-region`` or ``omorf`` methods """ s = s.reshape(1,-1) if self.S.size > 0 and np.unique(np.vstack((self.S, s)), axis=0).shape[0] == self.S.shape[0]: ind_repeat = np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(self.S - s, ord=np.inf, axis=1)) f = self.f[ind_repeat] else: f = np.array([[self.objective['function'](self._remove_scaling(s.flatten()))]]) self.num_evals += 1 if self.f.size == 0: self.S = s self.f = f else: self.S = np.vstack((self.S, s)) self.f = np.vstack((self.f, f)) return np.asscalar(f) def _update_bounds(self): if self.bounds is not None: if self.scale_bounds: self.bounds_l = np.maximum(np.zeros(self.n), self.s_old-self.del_k) self.bounds_u = np.minimum(np.ones(self.n), self.s_old+self.del_k) else: self.bounds_l = np.maximum(self.bounds[0], self.s_old-self.del_k) self.bounds_u = np.minimum(self.bounds[1], self.s_old+self.del_k) else: self.bounds_l = self.s_old-self.del_k self.bounds_u = self.s_old+self.del_k return None def _generate_set(self, num): """ Generates an initial set of samples using either coordinate directions or orthogonal, random directions """ if self.random_initial: direcs = self._random_directions(num, self.bounds_l-self.s_old, self.bounds_u-self.s_old) else: direcs = self._coordinate_directions(num, self.bounds_l-self.s_old, self.bounds_u-self.s_old) S = np.zeros((num, self.n)) S[0, :] = self.s_old for i in range(1, num): S[i, :] = self.s_old + np.minimum(np.maximum(self.bounds_l-self.s_old, direcs[i, :]), self.bounds_u-self.s_old) return S def _coordinate_directions(self, num_pnts, lower, upper): """ Generates coordinate directions """ at_lower_boundary = (lower > -1.e-8 * self.del_k) at_upper_boundary = (upper < 1.e-8 * self.del_k) direcs = np.zeros((num_pnts, self.n)) for i in range(1, num_pnts): if 1 <= i < self.n + 1: dirn = i - 1 step = self.del_k if not at_upper_boundary[dirn] else -self.del_k direcs[i, dirn] = step elif self.n + 1 <= i < 2*self.n + 1: dirn = i - self.n - 1 step = -self.del_k if at_lower_boundary[dirn]: step = min(2.0*self.del_k, upper[dirn]) if at_upper_boundary[dirn]: step = max(-2.0*self.del_k, lower[dirn]) direcs[i, dirn] = step else: itemp = (i - self.n - 1) // self.n q = i - itemp*self.n - self.n p = q + itemp if p > self.n: p, q = q, p - self.n direcs[i, p-1] = direcs[p, p-1] direcs[i, q-1] = direcs[q, q-1] return direcs def _random_directions(self, num_pnts, lower, upper): """ Generates orthogonal, random directions """ direcs = np.zeros((self.n, max(2*self.n+1, num_pnts))) idx_l = (lower == 0) idx_u = (upper == 0) active = np.logical_or(idx_l, idx_u) inactive = np.logical_not(active) nactive = np.sum(active) ninactive = self.n - nactive if ninactive > 0: A = np.random.normal(size=(ninactive, ninactive)) Qred = np.linalg.qr(A)[0] Q = np.zeros((self.n, ninactive)) Q[inactive, :] = Qred for i in range(ninactive): scale = self._get_scale(Q[:,i], self.del_k, lower, upper) direcs[:, i] = scale * Q[:,i] scale = self._get_scale(-Q[:,i], self.del_k, lower, upper) direcs[:, self.n+i] = -scale * Q[:,i] idx_active = np.where(active)[0] for i in range(nactive): idx = idx_active[i] direcs[idx, ninactive+i] = 1.0 if idx_l[idx] else -1.0 direcs[:, ninactive+i] = self._get_scale(direcs[:, ninactive+i], self.del_k, lower, upper) * direcs[:, ninactive+i] sign = 1.0 if idx_l[idx] else -1.0 if upper[idx] - lower[idx] > self.del_k: direcs[idx, self.n+ninactive+i] = 2.0*sign*self.del_k else: direcs[idx, self.n+ninactive+i] = 0.5*sign*(upper[idx] - lower[idx]) direcs[:, self.n+ninactive+i] = self._get_scale(direcs[:, self.n+ninactive+i], 1.0, lower, upper)*direcs[:, self.n+ninactive+i] for i in range(num_pnts - 2*self.n): dirn = np.random.normal(size=(self.n,)) for j in range(nactive): idx = idx_active[j] sign = 1.0 if idx_l[idx] else -1.0 if dirn[idx]*sign < 0.0: dirn[idx] *= -1.0 dirn = dirn / np.linalg.norm(dirn) scale = self._get_scale(dirn, self.del_k, lower, upper) direcs[:, 2*self.n+i] = dirn * scale return np.vstack((np.zeros(self.n), direcs[:, :num_pnts].T)) @staticmethod def _get_scale(dirn, delta, lower, upper): scale = delta for j in range(len(dirn)): if dirn[j] < 0.0: scale = min(scale, lower[j] / dirn[j]) elif dirn[j] > 0.0: scale = min(scale, upper[j] / dirn[j]) return scale def _apply_scaling(self, S): if self.bounds is not None and self.scale_bounds: shift = self.bounds[0].copy() scale = self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0] return np.divide((S - shift), scale) else: return S def _remove_scaling(self, S): if self.bounds is not None and self.scale_bounds: shift = self.bounds[0].copy() scale = self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0] return shift + np.multiply(S, scale) else: return S def _update_geometry_trust_region(self, S, f): if max(np.linalg.norm(S-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) > max(self.epsilon_1*self.del_k, self.epsilon_2*self.rho_k): S, f = self._sample_set('improve', S, f) elif self.del_k == self.rho_k: self._set_del_k(self.alpha_2*self.rho_k) if self.count >= 3 and self.r_k < 0: if self.rho_k >= 250*self.rho_min: self._set_rho_k(self.alpha_1*self.rho_k) elif 16*self.rho_min < self.rho_k < 250*self.rho_min: self._set_rho_k(np.sqrt(self.rho_k*self.rho_min)) else: self._set_rho_k(self.rho_min) return S, f def _update_geometry_omorf(self, S_full, f_full, S_red, f_red): dist = max(self.epsilon_1*self.del_k, self.epsilon_2*self.rho_k) if max(np.linalg.norm(S_full-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) > dist: S_full, f_full = self._sample_set('improve', S_full, f_full) try: self._calculate_subspace(S_full, f_full) except: pass elif max(np.linalg.norm(S_red-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) > dist: S_red, f_red = self._sample_set('improve', S_red, f_red, full_space=False) elif self.del_k == self.rho_k: self._set_del_k(self.alpha_2*self.rho_k) if self.count >= 3 and self.r_k < 0: if self.rho_k >= 250*self.rho_min: self._set_rho_k(self.alpha_1*self.rho_k) elif 16*self.rho_min < self.rho_k < 250*self.rho_min: self._set_rho_k(np.sqrt(self.rho_k*self.rho_min)) else: self._set_rho_k(self.rho_min) return S_full, f_full, S_red, f_red def _sample_set(self, method, S=None, f=None, s_new=None, f_new=None, full_space=True): if full_space: q = self.p else: q = self.q dist = max(self.epsilon_1*self.del_k, self.epsilon_2*self.rho_k) if method == 'replace': S_hat = np.vstack((S, s_new)) f_hat = np.vstack((f, f_new)) if S_hat.shape != np.unique(S_hat, axis=0).shape: S_hat, indices = np.unique(S_hat, axis=0, return_index=True) f_hat = f_hat[indices] elif f_hat.size > q and max(np.linalg.norm(S_hat-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) > dist: S_hat, f_hat = self._remove_furthest_point(S_hat, f_hat, self.s_old) S_hat, f_hat = self._remove_point_from_set(S_hat, f_hat, self.s_old) S = np.zeros((q, self.n)) f = np.zeros((q, 1)) S[0, :] = self.s_old f[0, :] = self.f_old S, f = self._LU_pivoting(S, f, S_hat, f_hat, full_space) elif method == 'improve': S_hat = np.copy(S) f_hat = np.copy(f) if max(np.linalg.norm(S_hat-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) > dist: S_hat, f_hat = self._remove_furthest_point(S_hat, f_hat, self.s_old) S_hat, f_hat = self._remove_point_from_set(S_hat, f_hat, self.s_old) S = np.zeros((q, self.n)) f = np.zeros((q, 1)) S[0, :] = self.s_old f[0, :] = self.f_old S, f = self._LU_pivoting(S, f, S_hat, f_hat, full_space, 'improve') elif method == 'new': S_hat = f_hat = np.array([]) S = np.zeros((q, self.n)) f = np.zeros((q, 1)) S[0, :] = self.s_old f[0, :] = self.f_old S, f = self._LU_pivoting(S, f, S_hat, f_hat, full_space, 'new') return S, f def _LU_pivoting(self, S, f, S_hat, f_hat, full_space, method=None): psi_1 = 1.0e-4 if self.method == 'omorf' and full_space: psi_2 = 1.0 else: psi_2 = 0.25 phi_function, phi_function_deriv = self._get_phi_function_and_derivative(S_hat, full_space) if full_space: q = self.p else: q = self.q # Initialise U matrix of LU factorisation of M matrix (see Conn et al.) U = np.zeros((q,q)) U[0,:] = phi_function(self.s_old) # Perform the LU factorisation algorithm for the rest of the points for k in range(1, q): flag = True v = np.zeros(q) for j in range(k): v[j] = -U[j,k] / U[j,j] v[k] = 1.0 # If there are still points to choose from, find if points meet criterion. If so, use the index to choose # point with given index to be next point in regression/interpolation set if f_hat.size > 0: M = np.absolute(,v).flatten()) index = np.argmax(M) if M[index] < psi_1: flag = False elif method == 'improve' and (k == q - 1 and M[index] < psi_2): flag = False elif method == 'new' and M[index] < psi_2: flag = False else: flag = False # If index exists, choose the point with that index and delete it from possible choices if flag: s = S_hat[index,:] S[k, :] = s f[k, :] = f_hat[index] S_hat = np.delete(S_hat, index, 0) f_hat = np.delete(f_hat, index, 0) # If index doesn't exist, solve an optimisation problem to find the point in the range which best satisfies criterion else: try: s = self._find_new_point(v, phi_function, phi_function_deriv, full_space) if np.unique(np.vstack((S[:k, :], s)), axis=0).shape[0] != k+1: s = self._find_new_point_alternative(v, phi_function, S[:k, :]) except: s = self._find_new_point_alternative(v, phi_function, S[:k, :]) if f_hat.size > 0 and M[index] >= abs(, phi_function(s))): s = S_hat[index,:] S[k, :] = s f[k, :] = f_hat[index] S_hat = np.delete(S_hat, index, 0) f_hat = np.delete(f_hat, index, 0) else: S[k, :] = s f[k, :] = self._blackbox_evaluation(s) # Update U factorisation in LU algorithm phi = phi_function(s) U[k,k] =, phi) for i in range(k+1,q): U[k,i] += phi[i] for j in range(k): U[k,i] -= (phi[j]*U[j,i]) / U[j,j] return S, f def _get_phi_function_and_derivative(self, S_hat, full_space): Del_S = self.del_k if self.method == 'trust-region': if S_hat.size > 0: Del_S = max(np.linalg.norm(S_hat-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) def phi_function(s): s_tilde = np.divide((s - self.s_old), Del_S) try: m,n = s_tilde.shape except: m = 1 s_tilde = s_tilde.reshape(1,-1) phi = np.zeros((m, self.q)) for k in range(self.q): phi[:,k] =, self.basis[k,:]), factorial(self.basis[k,:])), axis=1) if m == 1: return phi.flatten() else: return phi def phi_function_deriv(s): s_tilde = np.divide((s - self.s_old), Del_S) phi_deriv = np.zeros((self.n, self.q)) for i in range(self.n): for k in range(1, self.q): if self.basis[k, i] != 0.0: tmp = np.zeros(self.n) tmp[i] = 1 phi_deriv[i,k] = self.basis[k, i] *, self.basis[k,:]-tmp), \ factorial(self.basis[k,:]))) return np.divide(phi_deriv.T, Del_S).T elif self.method == 'omorf' and full_space: if S_hat.size > 0: Del_S = max(np.linalg.norm(S_hat-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) def phi_function(s): s_tilde = np.divide((s - self.s_old), Del_S) try: m,n = s_tilde.shape except: m = 1 s_tilde = s_tilde.reshape(1,-1) phi = np.zeros((m, self.p)) phi[:, 0] = 1.0 phi[:, 1:] = s_tilde if m == 1: return phi.flatten() else: return phi phi_function_deriv = None elif self.method == 'omorf': if S_hat.size > 0: Del_S = max(np.linalg.norm(,self.U), axis=1)) def phi_function(s): u = np.divide( - self.s_old), self.U), Del_S) try: m,n = u.shape except: m = 1 u = u.reshape(1,-1) phi = np.zeros((m, self.q)) for k in range(self.q): phi[:,k] =, self.basis[k,:]), factorial(self.basis[k,:])), axis=1) if m == 1: return phi.flatten() else: return phi def phi_function_deriv(s): u = np.divide( - self.s_old), self.U), Del_S) phi_deriv = np.zeros((self.d, self.q)) for i in range(self.d): for k in range(1, self.q): if self.basis[k, i] != 0.0: tmp = np.zeros(self.d) tmp[i] = 1 phi_deriv[i,k] = self.basis[k, i] *, self.basis[k,:]-tmp), \ factorial(self.basis[k,:]))) phi_deriv = np.divide(phi_deriv.T, Del_S).T return, phi_deriv) return phi_function, phi_function_deriv def _find_new_point(self, v, phi_function, phi_function_deriv, full_space=False): bounds = [] for i in range(self.n): bounds.append((self.bounds_l[i], self.bounds_u[i])) if self.method == 'omorf' and full_space: c = v[1:] res1 = optimize.linprog(c, bounds=bounds) res2 = optimize.linprog(-c, bounds=bounds) if abs(, phi_function(res1['x']))) > abs(, phi_function(res2['x']))): s = res1['x'] else: s = res2['x'] else: obj1 = lambda s:, phi_function(s)) jac1 = lambda s:, v) obj2 = lambda s:, phi_function(s)) jac2 = lambda s:, v) res1 = optimize.minimize(obj1, self.s_old, method='TNC', jac=jac1, \ bounds=bounds, options={'disp': False}) res2 = optimize.minimize(obj2, self.s_old, method='TNC', jac=jac2, \ bounds=bounds, options={'disp': False}) if abs(res1['fun']) > abs(res2['fun']): s = res1['x'] else: s = res2['x'] return s def _find_new_point_alternative(self, v, phi_function, S): S_tmp = self._generate_set(int(0.5*(self.n+1)*(self.n+2))) M = np.absolute(, v).flatten()) indices = np.argsort(M)[::-1][:len(M)] for index in indices: s = S_tmp[index,:] if np.unique(np.vstack((S, s)), axis=0).shape[0] == S.shape[0]+1: return s return S_tmp[indices[0], :] @staticmethod def _remove_point_from_set(S, f, s): ind_current = np.where(np.linalg.norm(S-s, axis=1, ord=np.inf) == 0.0)[0] S = np.delete(S, ind_current, 0) f = np.delete(f, ind_current, 0) return S, f @staticmethod def _remove_furthest_point(S, f, s): ind_distant = np.argmax(np.linalg.norm(S-s, axis=1, ord=np.inf)) S = np.delete(S, ind_distant, 0) f = np.delete(f, ind_distant, 0) return S, f def _remove_points_outside_limits(self): ind_inside = np.where(np.linalg.norm(self.S-self.s_old, axis=1, ord=np.inf) <= max(self.epsilon_1*self.del_k, \ self.epsilon_2*self.rho_k))[0] S = self.S[ind_inside, :] f = self.f[ind_inside] return S, f def _build_model(self, S, f): """ Constructs quadratic model for ``trust-region`` or ``omorf`` methods """ if self.method == 'trust-region': myParameters = [Parameter(distribution='uniform', lower=self.bounds_l[i], \ upper=self.bounds_u[i], order=2) for i in range(self.n)] myBasis = Basis('total-order') my_poly = Poly(myParameters, myBasis, method='least-squares', \ sampling_args={'sample-points':S, 'sample-outputs':f}) elif self.method == 'omorf': Y =, self.U) myParameters = [Parameter(distribution='uniform', lower=np.min(Y[:,i]), \ upper=np.max(Y[:,i]), order=2) for i in range(self.d)] myBasis = Basis('total-order') my_poly = Poly(myParameters, myBasis, method='least-squares', \ sampling_args={'sample-points':Y, 'sample-outputs':f}) my_poly.set_model() return my_poly def _compute_step(self, my_poly): """ Solves the trust-region subproblem for ``trust-region`` or ``omorf`` methods """ bounds = [] for i in range(self.n): bounds.append((self.bounds_l[i], self.bounds_u[i])) if self.method == 'trust-region': res = optimize.minimize(lambda x: np.asscalar(my_poly.get_polyfit(x)), self.s_old, method='TNC', \ jac=lambda x: my_poly.get_polyfit_grad(x).flatten(), bounds=bounds, options={'disp': False}) elif self.method == 'omorf': res = optimize.minimize(lambda x: np.asscalar(my_poly.get_polyfit(,self.U))), self.s_old, \ method='TNC', jac=lambda x:, my_poly.get_polyfit_grad(,self.U))).flatten(), \ bounds=bounds, options={'disp': False}) s_new = res.x m_new = return s_new, m_new def _start(self, s_old, del_k, rho_min, random_initial, scale_bounds, alpha_1, alpha_2, d=None, subspace_method=None): self.n = s_old.size self.random_initial = random_initial self.scale_bounds = scale_bounds self.epsilon_1 = 2.0 self.epsilon_2 = 10.0 self.alpha_1 = alpha_1 self.alpha_2 = alpha_2 self.rho_min = rho_min if self.method == 'trust-region': self.q = int(0.5*(self.n+1)*(self.n+2)) self.p = int(0.5*(self.n+1)*(self.n+2)) Base = Basis('total-order', orders=np.tile([2], self.n)) self.basis = Base.get_basis()[:,range(self.n-1, -1, -1)] elif self.method == 'omorf': self.d = d self.subspace_method = subspace_method self.q = int(0.5*(self.d+1)*(self.d+2)) self.p = self.n+1 Base = Basis('total-order', orders=np.tile([2], self.d)) self.basis = Base.get_basis()[:,range(self.d-1, -1, -1)] self.s_old = self._apply_scaling(s_old) self.f_old = self._blackbox_evaluation(self.s_old) if del_k is None: if self.bounds is None: self._set_del_k(max(0.1*np.linalg.norm(self.s_old, ord=np.inf), 1.0)) elif self.scale_bounds: self._set_del_k(0.1) else: self._set_del_k(min(0.1*np.linalg.norm(self.bounds[1]-self.bounds[0], ord=np.inf), 1.0)) else: self._set_del_k(del_k) self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(0) self._set_rho_k(self.del_k) def _finish(self): self.S = self._remove_scaling(self.S) self._set_iterate() def _trust_region(self, s_old, del_k, rho_min, eta_1, eta_2, gam_dec, gam_inc, gam_inc_overline, alpha_1, alpha_2, \ omega_s, max_evals, random_initial, scale_bounds): """ Computes optimum using the ``trust-region`` method """ itermax = 10000 self._start(s_old, del_k, rho_min, random_initial, scale_bounds, alpha_1, alpha_2) # Construct the sample set S = self._generate_set(self.p) f = np.zeros((self.p, 1)) f[0, :] = self.f_old for i in range(1, self.p): f[i, :] = self._blackbox_evaluation(S[i, :]) if self.num_evals >= max_evals: self._finish() return for i in range(itermax): if self.num_evals >= max_evals or self.rho_k <= rho_min: break try: my_poly = self._build_model(S, f) except: S, f = self._sample_set('improve', S, f) continue s_new, m_new = self._compute_step(my_poly) step_dist = np.linalg.norm(s_new - self.s_old, ord=np.inf) # Safety step implemented in BOBYQA if step_dist < omega_s*self.rho_k: self._set_ratio(-0.1) self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(3) self._set_del_k(max(gam_dec*self.del_k, self.rho_k)) S, f = self._update_geometry_trust_region(S, f) continue f_new = self._blackbox_evaluation(s_new) if self.num_evals >= max_evals or self.rho_k <= self.rho_min: self._finish() return S, f = self._sample_set('replace', S, f, s_new, f_new) # Calculate trust-region factor del_f = self.f_old - f_new del_m = np.asscalar(my_poly.get_polyfit(self.s_old)) - m_new if abs(del_m) < 100*np.finfo(float).eps: self._set_ratio(1.0) else: self._set_ratio(del_f / del_m) self._set_iterate() if self.r_k >= eta_2: self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(0) self._set_del_k(max(gam_inc*self.del_k, gam_inc_overline*step_dist)) elif self.r_k >= eta_1: self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(0) self._set_del_k(max(gam_dec*self.del_k, step_dist, self.rho_k)) else: self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(self.count+1) self._set_del_k(max(min(gam_dec*self.del_k, step_dist), self.rho_k)) S, f = self._update_geometry_trust_region(S, f) self._finish() return def _omorf(self, s_old, d, subspace_method, del_k, rho_min, eta_1, eta_2, gam_dec, gam_inc, gam_inc_overline, \ alpha_1, alpha_2, omega_s, max_evals, random_initial, scale_bounds): """ Computes optimum using the ``omorf`` method """ itermax = 10000 self._start(s_old, del_k, rho_min, random_initial, scale_bounds, alpha_1, alpha_2, d, subspace_method) # Construct the sample set S_full = self._generate_set(self.p) f_full = np.zeros((self.p, 1)) f_full[0, :] = self.f_old for i in range(1, self.p): f_full[i, :] = self._blackbox_evaluation(S_full[i, :]) if self.num_evals >= max_evals: self._finish() return self._calculate_subspace(S_full, f_full) S_red, f_red = self._sample_set('new', full_space=False) for i in range(itermax): if self.num_evals >= max_evals or self.rho_k <= self.rho_min: self._finish() return try: my_poly = self._build_model(S_red, f_red) except: S_red, f_red = self._sample_set('improve', S_red, f_red, full_space=False) continue s_new, m_new = self._compute_step(my_poly) step_dist = np.linalg.norm(s_new - self.s_old, ord=np.inf) # Safety step implemented in BOBYQA if step_dist < omega_s*self.rho_k: self._set_ratio(-0.1) self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(3) self._set_del_k(max(0.5*self.del_k, self.rho_k)) S_full, f_full, S_red, f_red = self._update_geometry_omorf(S_full, f_full, S_red, f_red) continue f_new = self._blackbox_evaluation(s_new) if self.num_evals >= max_evals or self.rho_k <= self.rho_min: self._finish() return # Calculate trust-region factor del_f = self.f_old - f_new del_m = np.asscalar(my_poly.get_polyfit(,self.U))) - m_new if abs(del_m) < 100*np.finfo(float).eps: self._set_ratio(1.0) else: self._set_ratio(del_f / del_m) self._set_iterate() S_red, f_red = self._sample_set('replace', S_red, f_red, s_new, f_new, full_space=False) S_full, f_full = self._sample_set('replace', S_full, f_full, s_new, f_new) if self.r_k >= eta_2: self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(0) self._set_del_k(max(gam_inc*self.del_k, gam_inc_overline*step_dist)) elif self.r_k >= eta_1: self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(0) self._set_del_k(max(gam_dec*self.del_k, step_dist, self.rho_k)) else: self._set_unsuccessful_iterate_counter(self.count+1) self._set_del_k(max(min(gam_dec*self.del_k, step_dist), self.rho_k)) S_full, f_full, S_red, f_red = self._update_geometry_omorf(S_full, f_full, S_red, f_red) self._finish() return