Solvers for computation of linear systems of the form :math:`\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}`.
These solvers are used *under-the-hood* by :class:`~equadratures.poly.Poly` when :meth:`~equadratures.poly.Poly.set_model()` is called, with the solver specified by the ``method`` argument.
The solvers can also be used independently (see examples) for debugging and experimentation purposes.
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import qr
from scipy.optimize import linprog, minimize
from scipy.special import huber as huber_loss
from copy import deepcopy
import equadratures.plot as plot
import cvxpy as cv
cvxpy = True
except ImportError as e:
cvxpy = False
# Base Solver class
[docs]class Solver(object):
The parent solver class. All other solver subclasses inherit attributes and methods from this parent class.
This parent class should not be used directly, but can be used to select the desired solver subclass (see examples).
method : string
The method used for solving the linear system. Options include: ``compressed-sensing``, ``least-squares``, ``minimum-norm``, ``numerical-integration``, ``least-squares-with-gradients``, ``least-absolute-residual``, ``huber``, ``elastic-net``, and ``relevance-vector-machine``.
solver_args : dict, optional
Dictionary containing optional arguments centered around the specific solver. Arguments are specific to the requested solver, except for the following generic arguments:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **opt** (str): Specifies the underlying optimisation method to use. ``scipy`` for scipy, and `osqp` to use the OSQP optimiser (requires ``cvxpy`` to be installed).
Accessing the underlying solver used by a Poly instance
>>> # Fit a 2D polynomial using the elastic-net solver (with some specific solver_args passed)
>>> x = np.linspace(-1,1,80)
>>> xx = np.vstack([x,x]).T
>>> y = xx[:,0]**3 + xx[0,1]**2 + np.random.normal(0,0.1,80)
>>> myparam = eq.Parameter(distribution='uniform',order=3)
>>> mybasis = eq.Basis('total-order')
>>> mypoly = eq.Poly([myparam,myparam],mybasis,method='elastic-net',
>>> sampling_args={'mesh': 'user-defined','sample-points':xx,'sample-outputs':y},
>>> solver_args={'verbose':True,'crit':'AIC'})
>>> mypoly.set_model()
>>> # Plot the regularisation path using the solver's method
>>> mypoly.solver.plot_regpath()
Using solver subclasses independently
>>> # Example data
>>> A = np.array([[1,2,3],[1,1,1],[2,1,1]])
>>> b = np.array([1,0,1])
>>> # # select_solver will return the requested solver subclass
>>> mysolver = eq.Solver.select_solver('least-squares',solver_args={'verbose':False})
>>> # Or you can select the solversubclass directly
>>> mysolver = solver.least_squares(solver_args={'verbose':True})
>>> # You can manually run solve and then get_coefficients
>>> mysolver.solve(A,b)
>>> x = mysolver.get_coefficients()
>>> # Or providing get_coefficients() with A and b will automatically run solve()
>>> x = mysolver.get_coefficients(A,b)
The condition number of the matrix is 29.82452477932781.
The condition number of the matrix is 29.82452477932781.
def __init__(self, method, solver_args={}):
self.solver_args = solver_args
self.gradient_flag = False
# Parse generic solver args here (solver specific ones done in subclass)
# Defaults
self.verbose = False
self.opt = 'osqp'
# Parse solver_args
if 'verbose' in self.solver_args: self.verbose = solver_args.get('verbose')
if 'optimiser' in self.solver_args: self.opt = solver_args.get('optimiser')
if self.opt=='osqp' and not cvxpy:
[docs] @staticmethod
def select_solver(method,solver_args={}):
""" Method to return a solver subclass.
method : str
The name of the solver to return.
solver_args : dict, optional
Dictionary containing optional arguments centered around the specific solver. Arguments are specific to the requested solver, except for the following generic arguments:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **opt** (str): Specifies the underlying optimisation method to use. ``scipy`` for scipy, and `osqp` to use the OSQP optimiser (requires ``cvxpy`` to be installed).
The Solver subclass specified in ``method``.
if method.lower()=='least-squares':
return least_squares(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'minimum-norm':
return minimum_norm(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'compressed-sensing' or method.lower() == 'compressive-sensing':
return compressed_sensing(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'numerical-integration':
return numerical_integration(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'least-absolute-residual':
return least_absolute_residual(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'huber':
return huber(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'relevance-vector-machine' or method.lower()=='rvm':
return rvm(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'least-squares-with-gradients':
return constrained_least_squares(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'elastic-net':
return elastic_net(solver_args)
elif method.lower() == 'custom-solver':
return custom_solver(solver_args)
raise ValueError('You have not selected a valid method for solving the coefficients of the polynomial. Choose from compressed-sensing, least-squares, least-squares-with-gradients, least-absolute-residual, minimum-norm, numerical-integration, huber, elastic-net or custom_solver.')
[docs] def get_coefficients(self,*args):
""" Get the coefficients the solver has calculated. If the A and b matrices are provied Solver.solve() will be run first. If the solver uses gradients, C and d can also be given.
A : numpy.ndarray, optional
Array with shape (number_of_observations, cardinality).
b : numpy.ndarray, optional
Array with shape (number_of_observations, 1) or (number_of_observations).
C : numpy.ndarray, optional
Array with shape (number_of_observations, cardinality).
d : numpy.ndarray, optional
Array with shape (number_of_observations, 1) or (number_of_observations).
Array containing the coefficients x computed by the solver.
#TODO - amend descriptions of A,b,C and d above
# If A and b are given then run the solver
if len(args)!=0:
# No gradients
if not self.gradient_flag:
if len(args)==2:
if (args[0].ndim==2):
raise ValueError('A should be two dimensional but has %d dimensions.' %args[0].ndim)
raise ValueError('get_coefficients only accepts two optional arguments for solvers without gradients; numpy.ndarrays containing the matrices A and b.')
# Gradients
if len(args)==4:
if (args[0].ndim==2 and args[2].ndim==2):
raise ValueError('A and C should be two dimensional but A has %d dimensions and C has %d dimensions.' %(args[0].ndim, args[2].ndim))
raise ValueError('get_coefficients only accepts four optional arguments for solvers without gradients; numpy.ndarrays containing the matrices A, b, C and d.')
if not hasattr(self,'coefficients'):
raise RuntimeError('solve() must be called before get_coefficients().')
return self.coefficients
# Least squares solver subclass.
[docs]class least_squares(Solver):
""" Ordinary least squares solver.
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
def solve(self, A, b):
if np.__version__ < '1.14':
alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)
alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)
if self.verbose is True:
print('The condition number of the matrix is '+str(np.linalg.cond(A))+'.')
self.coefficients = alpha[0]
# Minimum-norm solver subclass.
[docs]class minimum_norm(Solver):
""" Minimum norm solver, used for uniquely or overdetermined systems (i.e. m>=n).
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
def solve(self, A, b):
Q, R, pvec = qr(A, pivoting=True)
m, n = A.shape
if n<m:
raise ValueError('The minimum-norm solver should only be used when the system is uniquely or overdetermined i.e. m>=n.')
r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
Q1 = Q[0:r, 0:r]
R1 = R[0:r, 0:r]
indices = np.argsort(pvec)
P = np.eye(n)
temp = P[indices,:]
P1 = temp[0:n, 0:r]
x = np.dot(P1 , np.dot( np.linalg.inv(R1) , np.dot( Q1.T , b ) ) )
x = x.reshape(n, 1)
self.coefficients = x
[docs]class compressed_sensing(Solver):
""" Compressed sensing solver.
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **noise-level** (float)
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
# Solver specific attributes
# Defaults
self.noise_level = None
# Parse solver_args
if 'noise-level' in self.solver_args: self.noise_level = solver_args.get('noise-level')
def solve(self, Ao, bo):
A = deepcopy(Ao)
y = bo.reshape(-1)
N = A.shape[0]
# Possible noise levels
log_eta = [-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1]
if self.noise_level is None:
eta = [float(10**i) for i in log_eta]
eta = self.noise_level
except TypeError:
eta = [self.noise_level]
log_eta = [np.log10(i) for i in eta]
errors = []
mean_errors = np.zeros(len(eta))
# 5 fold cross validation
x0 = None
for e in range(len(eta)):
for n in range(5):
indices = [int(i) for i in n * np.ceil(N/5.0) + range(int(np.ceil(N/5.0))) if i < N]
A_ver = A[indices]
A_train = np.delete(A, indices, 0)
y_ver = y[indices].flatten()
if len(y_ver) == 0:
y_train = np.delete(y, indices).flatten()
x_train = compressed_sensing._bp_denoise(A_train, y_train, eta[e], x0=x0)
y_trained = np.reshape(np.dot(A_ver, x_train), len(y_ver))
assert y_trained.shape == y_ver.shape
errors.append(np.mean(np.abs(y_trained - y_ver))/len(y_ver))
x0 = x_train.copy()
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
if len(errors) == 0:
mean_errors[e] = np.inf
mean_errors[e] = np.mean(errors)
sorted_ind = np.argsort(mean_errors)
x = None
ind = 0
while x is None:
if ind >= len(log_eta):
raise ValueError('Singular matrix!! Reconsider sample points!')
x = compressed_sensing._bp_denoise(A, y, eta[sorted_ind[ind]], x0=x0)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
ind += 1
if self.verbose:
print('The noise level used is '+str(eta[sorted_ind[ind]])+'.')
self.coefficients = np.reshape(x, (len(x),1))
def _CG_solve(A, b, max_iters, tol):
""" Solves Ax = b iteratively using conjugate gradient, assuming A is a symmetric positive definite matrix.
A : numpy-matrix
The matrix.
b : numpy.ndarray
The right hand side column vector.
max_iters : int
Maximum number of iterations for the conjugate gradient algorithm.
tol : float
Tolerance for cut-off.
if not(np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(A) > 0)):
raise ValueError('A is not symmetric positive definite.')
n = A.shape[0]
b = b.astype(np.float64)
b = b.reshape((len(b),1))
x = np.zeros((n,1))
r = b.copy()
d = r.copy()
iterations = 0
delta = sum(r**2)
delta_0 = sum(b**2)
bestx = x.copy()
bestres = np.sqrt(delta/delta_0)
residual = np.sqrt(delta / delta_0)
while (iterations < max_iters) and (delta > (tol**2) * delta_0):
q = np.dot(A,d)
alpha = delta / sum(d * q)
x += alpha * d
r -= alpha * q
new_delta = sum(r**2)
beta = new_delta / delta
d = r + beta * d
if np.sqrt(delta/delta_0) < bestres:
bestx = x.copy()
bestres = np.sqrt(delta/delta_0)
delta = new_delta
residual = np.sqrt(delta / delta_0)
iterations += 1
return x.flatten(), residual, iterations
def _bp_denoise(A, b, epsilon, verbose=False, **kwargs):
""" Solving the basis pursuit de-noising problem.
A : numpy-matrix
The matrix.
b : numpy.ndarray
The right hand side column vector.
epsilon : float
The noise.
x0 : numpy.ndarray
Initial solution, if not provided the least norm solution is used.
if hasattr(kwargs, 'x0'):
x0 = kwargs['x0']
x0 = None
if hasattr(kwargs, 'lbtol'):
lbtol = kwargs['lbtol']
lbtol = 1e-3
if hasattr(kwargs, 'mu'):
mu = kwargs['mu']
mu = 10
if hasattr(kwargs, 'cgtol'):
cgtol = kwargs['cgtol']
cgtol = 1e-8
if hasattr(kwargs, 'cgmaxiter'):
cgmaxiter = kwargs['cgmaxiter']
cgmaxiter = 200
if hasattr(kwargs, 'use_CG'):
use_CG = kwargs['use_CG']
use_CG = False
# starting point --- make sure that it is feasible
if not(x0 is None):
if (np.linalg.norm(np.dot(A,x0) - b) > epsilon):
if verbose:
print('Starting point infeasible using x0 = At*inv(AAt)*y.')
if use_CG:
w, cgres, cgiter = compressed_sensing._CG_solve(np.dot(A,A.T),b,cgmaxiter,cgtol)
w = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(A,A.T),b).flatten()
cgres = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(np.dot(A,A.T), w).flatten() - b.flatten()) / np.linalg.norm(b)
cgiter = -1
if cgres > .5:
if verbose:
print("cgres = " + str(cgres) )
print('A*At is ill-conditioned: cannot find starting point' )
xp = x0.copy()
return xp
x0 = np.dot(A.T, w)
if verbose:
print('No x0. Using x0 = At*inv(AAt)*y.')
if use_CG:
w, cgres, cgiter = compressed_sensing._CG_solve(np.dot(A,A.T),b,cgmaxiter,cgtol)
w = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(A,A.T),b).flatten()
cgres = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(np.dot(A,A.T), w).flatten() - b.flatten()) / np.linalg.norm(b)
cgiter = -1
if cgres > .5:
if verbose:
print("cgres = " + str(cgres) )
print('A*At is ill-conditioned: cannot find starting point' )
x0 = np.dot(A.T, w)
#if cvxpy:
# Turns out this is much slower than l1 magic implementation, at least on the test case!
# d = A.shape[1]
# u0 = 0.95 * np.abs(x0) + 0.10 * np.max(np.abs(x0))
# xu = cv.Variable(2*d)
# xu.value = np.hstack([x0, u0])
# c = np.hstack([np.zeros(d), np.ones(d)])
# AA = np.hstack([A, np.zeros_like(A)])
# soc_constraint = [cv.SOC(epsilon, AA @ xu - b)]
# F = np.vstack([np.hstack([np.eye(d), -np.eye(d)]), np.hstack([-np.eye(d), -np.eye(d)])])
# prob = cv.Problem(cv.Minimize(c.T @ xu),
# soc_constraint + [F @ xu <= np.zeros(2*d)])
# prob.solve(warm_start=False, verbose=verbose)
# return xu.value[:d]
newtontol = lbtol
newtonmaxiter = 50
b = b.flatten()
x = x0.copy()
r = np.reshape(np.dot(A, x), len(b)) - b
N = len(x0)
u = (0.95)*np.abs(x0) + (0.10)*np.max(np.abs(x0)) #arbitrary u starting point?
if verbose:
print('Original l1 norm = ' + str(np.sum(np.abs(x0))) + ', original functional = ' + str(np.sum(u)) )
tau = np.max([(2.0*N+1)/np.sum(np.abs(x0)), 1.0])
lbiter = int(np.max([np.ceil((np.log(2.0*N+1) - np.log(lbtol) - np.log(tau)) / np.log(mu)), 0.0]))
if verbose:
print('Number of log barrier iterations = ' + str(lbiter) )
totaliter = 0
for ii in range(lbiter+1):
xp, up, ntiter = compressed_sensing._l1qc_newton(x, u, A, b, epsilon, tau, newtontol, newtonmaxiter, cgtol, cgmaxiter, verbose, use_CG)
totaliter += ntiter
if verbose:
print('Log barrier iter = ' + str(ii) + ', l1 = ' + str(np.sum(np.abs(xp))) + ', functional = ' + str(np.sum(up)) + \
', tau = ' + str(tau) + ', total newton iter = ' + str(totaliter))
x = xp.copy()
u = up.copy()
tau *= mu
return xp
def _l1qc_newton(x0, u0, A, b, epsilon, tau, newtontol, newtonmaxiter, cgtol, cgmaxiter, verbose, use_CG):
# line search parameters
alpha = 0.01
beta = 0.5
AtA = np.dot(A.T,A)
x = x0.flatten()
u = u0.flatten()
r = np.dot(A, x).flatten() - b.flatten()
fu1 = x - u
fu2 = -x - u
fe = 0.5*(np.asscalar(np.dot(r.T,r)) - epsilon**2)
f = np.sum(u) - (1.0/tau) * (np.sum(np.log(-fu1)) + np.sum(np.log(-fu2)) + np.log(-fe))
niter = 0
done = 0
while (not(done)):
atr = np.dot(A.T, r)
ntgz = 1.0/fu1 - 1.0/fu2 + 1.0/fe * atr
ntgu = -tau - 1.0/fu1 - 1.0/fu2
gradf = - (1.0/tau) * np.hstack([ntgz, ntgu])
sig11 = 1.0/fu1**2 + 1.0/fu2**2
sig12 = -1.0/fu1**2 + 1.0/fu2**2
sigx = sig11 - sig12**2/sig11
w1p = ntgz - sig12/sig11 *ntgu
H11p = np.diag(sigx.reshape(len(sigx))) - (1.0/fe) * AtA + (1.0/fe)**2 * np.outer(atr,atr)
if use_CG:
dx, cgres, cgiter = compressed_sensing._CG_solve(H11p, w1p, cgmaxiter, cgtol)
dx = np.linalg.solve(H11p, w1p).flatten()
cgres = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(H11p, dx).flatten() - w1p.flatten()) / np.linalg.norm(w1p)
cgiter = -1
if (cgres > 0.5):
if verbose:
print("cgres = " + str(cgres) )
print('Cannot solve system. Returning previous iterate.' )
xp = x.flatten()
up = u.flatten()
return xp, up, 0
Adx = np.dot(A,dx).flatten()
du = (1.0/sig11) * ntgu - (sig12/sig11)*dx
# minimum step size that stays in the interior
aqe = np.dot(Adx.T, Adx)
bqe = 2.0*np.dot(r.T, Adx)
cqe = np.asscalar(np.dot(r.T,r)) - epsilon**2
smax = np.min(np.hstack([ 1.0,np.min(np.hstack([-fu1[(dx-du) > 0] / (dx[(dx-du) > 0] - du[(dx-du) > 0]),\
-fu2[(-dx-du) > 0] / (-dx[(-dx-du) > 0] - du[(-dx-du) > 0]), \
np.reshape((-bqe + np.sqrt(bqe**2 - 4 * aqe * cqe)) / (2.0*aqe), (1,)) ] ))]))
s = (0.99) * smax
# backtracking line search
suffdec = 0
backiter = 0
while not(suffdec):
xp = x + s*dx
up = u + s*du
rp = r + s*Adx
fu1p = xp - up
fu2p = -xp - up
fep = 0.5 * (np.linalg.norm(rp)**2 - epsilon**2)
fp = np.sum(up) - (1.0/tau) * (np.sum(np.log(-fu1p)) + np.sum(np.log(-fu2p)) + np.log(-fep))
flin = f + alpha * s * (np.dot(gradf.T, np.hstack([dx, du])))
suffdec = (fp <= flin)
s = beta * s
backiter = backiter + 1
if (backiter > 32):
if verbose:
print('Stuck on backtracking line search, returning previous iterate.')
xp = x.copy()
up = u.copy()
return xp,up,niter
# set up for next iteration
x = xp.copy()
u = up.copy()
r = rp.copy()
fu1 = fu1p.copy()
fu2 = fu2p.copy()
fe = fep.copy()
f = fp.copy()
lambda2 = -(np.dot(gradf, np.hstack([dx, du])))
stepsize = s*np.linalg.norm(np.hstack([dx, du]))
niter = niter + 1
done = (lambda2/2 < newtontol) | (niter >= newtonmaxiter)
if verbose:
print('Newton iter = ' + str(niter) + ', Functional = ' + str(f) + ', Newton decrement = ' + str(lambda2/2) + ', Stepsize = ' + str(stepsize))
print(' CG Res = ' + str(cgres) + ', CG Iter = ' + str(cgiter))
return xp, up, niter
# Numerical integration solver subclass.
[docs]class numerical_integration(Solver):
""" Numerical integration solver. This solves an orthogonal linear system i.e. simply :math:`\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{b}`.
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
def solve(self, A, b):
self.coefficients = np.dot(A.T, b)
# Least absolute residual solver.
[docs]class least_absolute_residual(Solver):
""" Least absolute residual solver. Minimises the L1 norm (absolute residuals).
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **opt** (str): Specifies the underlying optimisation method to use. ``scipy`` for scipy, and `osqp` to use the OSQP optimiser (requires ``cvxpy`` to be installed).
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
def solve(self, A, b):
N, d = A.shape
if self.verbose: print('Solving for coefficients with least-absolute-residual')
# Use cvxpy with OSQP for optimising
if self.opt=='osqp':
if self.verbose: print('Solving using cvxpy with OSQP solver')
# Define problem
b = b.squeeze()
x = cv.Variable(d)
objective = cv.sum(cv.abs(A@x - b))
prob = cv.Problem(cv.Minimize(objective))
# Solve with OSQP
self.coefficients = x.value
# Use scipy linprog for optimising
elif self.opt=='scipy':
if self.verbose: print('Solving using scipy linprog')
c = np.hstack([np.zeros(d), np.ones(N)])
A1 = np.hstack([A, -np.eye(N)])
A2 = np.hstack([-A, -np.eye(N)])
AA = np.vstack([A1, A2])
bb = np.hstack([b.reshape(-1), -b.reshape(-1)])
res = linprog(c, A_ub=AA, b_ub=bb)
self.coefficients = res.x[:d]
# Huber solver subclass.
[docs]class huber(Solver):
""" Huber regression solver. Minimises the Huber loss function.
This function is identical to the least squares (L2) penalty for small residuals (i.e. :math:`||\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{b}||^2\le M`).
But on large residuals (:math:`||\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{b}||^2 > M`), its penalty is lower (L1) and increases linearly rather than quadratically.
It is thus more forgiving of outliers.
solver_args : dict, optional
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **M** (float): The huber threshold. Default ``M=1``.
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
# Solver specific attributes
# Defaults
self.M = 1.0
# Parse solver_args
if 'M' in self.solver_args: self.M = solver_args.get('M')
def solve(self, A, b):
if self.verbose: print('Huber regression with M=%.2f.' %self.M)
N,d = A.shape
# Use cvxpy with OSQP for optimising
if self.opt=='osqp':
if self.verbose: print('Solving using cvxpy with OSQP solver')
# # Define problem as a Quadratic problem
# minimize 1/2 z.T * z + M * np.ones(m).T * (r + s)
# subject to Ax - b - z = r - s
# r >= 0
# s >= 0
# See eq. (24) from https://doi.org/10.1109/34.877518
b = b.squeeze()
x = cv.Variable(d)
z = cv.Variable(N)
r = cv.Variable(N)
s = cv.Variable(N)
objective = cv.Minimize(.5 * cv.sum_squares(z) + self.M*cv.sum(r + s))
constraints = [A@x - b - z == r - s,
r >= 0, s >= 0]
prob = cv.Problem(objective, constraints)
self.coefficients = x.value
# Use scipy linprog for optimising
elif self.opt=='scipy':
raise ValueError( 'At present cvxpy, must be installed for huber regression to be selected.')
# Relevence vector machine solver.
[docs]class rvm(Solver):
""" Relevence vector machine solver.
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **max_iter** (int): Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1000.
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
# Solver specific attributes
# Defaults
self.max_iter = 1000
# Parse solver_args
if 'max_iter' in self.solver_args: self.max_iter = solver_args.get('max_iter')
def solve(self, A, b):
if len(b.shape) == 2:
assert b.shape[1] == 1
b = b.reshape(-1)
K, card = A.shape
alpha = np.ones(card)
alpha_0 = 1.0
remaining_coeff_ind = np.arange(card)
removed = np.array([], dtype=int)
Alpha_diag = np.diag(alpha)
Sigma = np.linalg.inv(alpha_0 * A.T @ A + Alpha_diag)
mu = alpha_0 * Sigma @ A.T @ b
Phi = A.copy()
all_L = []
for i in range(self.max_iter):
C = 1.0 / alpha_0 * np.eye(K) + Phi @ np.diag(1.0 / np.diag(Alpha_diag)) @ Phi.T
L = -0.5 * (K * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) + np.linalg.slogdet(C)[1] + b.T @ np.linalg.inv(C) @ b)
gamma = 1.0 - alpha * np.diag(Sigma)
remaining_ind = np.where(gamma >= 1e-10)[0]
removed = np.append(removed, remaining_coeff_ind[np.where(gamma < 1e-10)[0]])
remaining_coeff_ind = np.setdiff1d(remaining_coeff_ind, remaining_coeff_ind[np.where(gamma < 1e-10)[0]])
alpha_new = (gamma / mu ** 2)[remaining_ind]
alpha_0_new = (K - np.sum(gamma)) / np.linalg.norm(b - Phi @ mu) ** 2
alpha = alpha_new.copy()
alpha_0 = alpha_0_new
Phi = Phi[:, remaining_ind]
Alpha_diag = np.diag(alpha)
Sigma = np.linalg.inv(alpha_0 * Phi.T @ Phi + Alpha_diag)
mu = alpha_0 * Sigma @ Phi.T @ b
if len(all_L) > 1:
residual = np.abs((all_L[-1] - all_L[-2]) / (all_L[-1] - all_L[0]))
if residual < 1e-3:
if i == self.max_iter - 1: print('WARNING: Maximum iteration limit reached in solver.py')
mean_coeffs = np.zeros(card)
mean_coeffs[remaining_coeff_ind] = mu.copy()
self.coefficients = mean_coeffs
# Numerical integration solver subclass.
[docs]class constrained_least_squares(Solver):
""" Constrained least squares regression.
This solves an orthogonal linear system i.e. simply c=A^T.b.
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
# Solver specific attributes
self.gradient_flag = True
def solve(self, A, b, C, d):
# Size of matrices!
m, n = A.shape
p, q = b.shape
k, l = C.shape
s, t = d.shape
# Check that the number of elements in b are equivalent to the number of rows in A
if m != p:
raise ValueError( 'solver: error: mismatch in sizes of A and b')
elif k != s:
raise ValueError( 'solver: error: mismatch in sizes of C and d')
if m >= n:
self.coefficients = least_squares({'verbose':self.verbose}).get_coefficients(np.vstack([A, C]), np.vstack([b, d]))
self.coefficients = constrained_least_squares._null_space_method(C, d, A, b, self.verbose)
def _null_space_method(Ao, bo, Co, do, verbose):
A = deepcopy(Ao)
C = deepcopy(Co)
b = deepcopy(bo)
d = deepcopy(do)
m, n = A.shape
p, n = C.shape
Q, R = np.linalg.qr(C.T, 'complete')
Q1 = Q[0:n, 0:p]
Q2 = Q[0:n, p:n]
# Lower triangular matrix!
L = R.T
L = L[0:p, 0:p]
y1 = least_squares({'verbose':verbose}).get_coefficients(L, d)
c = b - np.dot( np.dot(A , Q1) , y1)
AQ2 = np.dot(A , Q2)
y2 = least_squares({'verbose':verbose}).get_coefficients(AQ2 , c)
x = np.dot(Q1 , y1) + np.dot(Q2 , y2)
cond = np.linalg.cond(AQ2)
if verbose is True:
print('The condition number of the matrix is '+str(cond)+'.')
return x
# Elastic net solver subclass.
[docs]class elastic_net(Solver):
""" Elastic net solver.
The elastic net solver minimises
:math:`\\frac{1}{2}||\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{b}||_2 + \lambda (\\alpha||\mathbf{x}||_1 + \\frac{1}{2}(1-\\alpha)||\mathbf{x}||_2^2)`.
where :math:`\lambda` controls the strength of the regularisation (with OLS returned when :math:`\lambda=0`), and :math:`\\alpha` controlling the blending between the L1 and L2 penalty terms.
If ``path=True``, the elastic net is solved via coordinate descent [1]. The full regularisation path (:math:`\lambda` path) is computed (for a given :math:`\\alpha`), and the set of coefficients with the lowest model selection criteria is then selected according to [2]. Otherwise, the elastic net is solved for a given :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\lambda` using the OSQP quadratic program optimiser (if ``cvxpy`` is installed).
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver:
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **alpha** (float): The L1/L2 pentalty blending parameter :math:`\\alpha`. Default: ``alpha=1.0``. If ``alpha=0`` is desired, use :class:`~equadratures.solver.least_squares`.
- **path** (bool): Computes the full regularisation path if True, otherwise solves for a single :math:`\lambda` value. Default: ``path=True``.
- **max_iter** (int): Max number of iterations for the coordinate descent solver (if ``path=True``). Default: ``max_iter=100``.
- **n_lambdas** (int): Number of lambda values along the regularisation path (if ``path=True``). Default: ``n_lambdas=100``.
- **lambda_eps** (float): Minimum lambda value, as a fraction of ``lambda_max`` (if ``path=True``). Default: ``lambda_eps=1e-3``.
- **lambda_max** (float): Maximum lambda value (if ``path=True``). If not ``None`` this overrides the automatically calculated value. Default: ``lambda_max=None``.
- **tol** (float): Convergence tolerance criterion for coordinate descent solver (if ``path=True``). Default: ``tol=1e-6``.
- **crit** (str): Information criterion to select optimal lambda from regularisation path. ``'AIC'`` is Akaike information criterion, ``'BIC'`` is Bayesian information criterion, ``'CV'`` is 5-fold cross-validated RSS error (if ``path=True``). Default: ``crit='CV'``.
- **lambda** (float): The penalty scaling parameter (if ``path=False``). Default: ``lambda=0.01`.
1. Friedman J., Hastie T., Tibshirani R., (2010) Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. Journal of Statistical Software, 33(1), 1-22. `Paper <https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v033i01>`__
2. Zou, H., Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., (2007) On the “degrees of freedom” of the lasso. The Annals of Statistics, 35(5), 2173–2192. `Paper <https://projecteuclid.org/download/pdfview_1/euclid.aos/1194461726>`__
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
# Defaults
self.path = True
self.alpha = 1.0
self.max_iter = 100
self.nlambdas = 100
self.lambda_eps = 1e-3
self.lambda_max = None
self.tol = 1e-6
self.crit = 'CV'
self.lamda = 0.01
# Parse solver_args
if 'path' in self.solver_args: self.path = solver_args.get('path')
if 'alpha' in self.solver_args: self.alpha = solver_args.get('alpha')
if 'max_iter' in self.solver_args: self.max_iter = solver_args.get('max_iter')
if 'nlambdas' in self.solver_args: self.nlambdas = solver_args.get('nlambdas')
if 'lambda_eps' in self.solver_args: self.lambda_eps = solver_args.get('lambda_eps')
if 'lambda_max' in self.solver_args: self.lambda_max = solver_args.get('lambda_max')
if 'tol' in self.solver_args: self.tol = solver_args.get('tol')
if 'crit' in self.solver_args: self.crit = solver_args.get('crit')
if 'lambda' in self.solver_args: self.lamda = solver_args.get('lambda')
def solve(self, A, b):
if self.path:
self.coefficients, solver_dict = elastic_net._elastic_path(A, b, self.verbose, self.max_iter, self.alpha, self.nlambdas,
self.lambda_eps, self.lambda_max, self.tol, self.crit)
self.lambdas = solver_dict['lambdas']
self.xpath = solver_dict['x_path']
self.ic = solver_dict['IC']
self.ic_std = solver_dict['IC_std']
self.opt_idx = solver_dict['opt_idx']
self.coefficients = elastic_net._elastic_net_single(A, b, self.verbose, self.lamda, self.alpha, self.opt)
def _elastic_net_single(A, b, verbose, lamda_val, alpha_val, opt):
""" Private method, performs elastic net regression for single lambda value using OSQP optimiser. """
N,d = A.shape
if lamda_val == None: lamda_val = 0.1
if alpha_val == None: alpha_val = 1.0
if verbose: print('Elastic net regression with lambda=%.2f and alpha=%.2f.' %(lamda_val,alpha_val))
# Use cvxpy with OSQP for optimising
if opt=='osqp':
if verbose: print('Solving using cvxpy with OSQP solver')
# Define problem
b = b.squeeze()
x = cv.Variable(d)
lamda1 = cv.Parameter(nonneg=True)
lamda2 = cv.Parameter(nonneg=True)
#objective = 0.5*cv.sum_squares(A*x - b) + lamda1*cv.norm1(x) #+ 0.5*lamda2*cv.pnorm(x, p=2)**2
objective = 0.5*cv.sum_squares(A@x - b) + lamda1*cv.norm1(x) + 0.5*lamda2*cv.sum_squares(x)
prob = cv.Problem(cv.Minimize(objective))
# Solve with OSQP
lamda1.value = lamda_val*alpha_val
lamda2.value = lamda_val*(1.-alpha_val)
x = x.value.reshape(-1,1)
# Use scipy linprog for optimising
elif opt=='scipy':
raise ValueError( 'At present cvxpy, must be installed for elastic net regression to be selected.')
return x
def _elastic_path(A, b, verbose, max_iter, alpha, n_lamdas, lamda_eps, lamda_max, tol, crit):
""" Private method to perform elastic net regression via coordinate descent. """
n,p = A.shape
b = b.reshape(-1)
assert alpha >= 0.01, 'elastic-net does not work reliably for alpha<0.01, choose 0.01>=alpha<=1.'
if crit=='CV':
nfold = 5
nfold = 1
# Get grid of lambda values to cycle through (in descending order)
lamdas = elastic_net._get_lamdas(A,b,n_lamdas,lamda_eps,lamda_max,alpha)
#Run lasso regression for each lambda (w/ warm start i.e. x is passed back in)
# Loop through nfolds (nfold=1 unless crit=='CV')
x_path = np.empty([n_lamdas,p,nfold])
rss = np.empty([n_lamdas,nfold])*np.nan
for fold in range(nfold):
if verbose: print('Fold %d/%d' %(fold,nfold))
indices = [int(k) for k in fold*np.ceil(n/5.0) + range(int(np.ceil(n/5.0))) if k<n]
A_val = A[indices]
b_val = b[indices]
A_train = np.delete(A, indices, 0)
b_train = np.delete(b, indices, 0)
if len(A_val) == 0:
x = np.zeros(p) # Init coeff vector as zeroes
for l, lamda in enumerate(lamdas):
if verbose: print('Running coord. descent for lambda = %.2e (%d/%d)' %(lamda,l,n_lamdas))
x_path[l,:,fold] = elastic_net._elastic_net_cd(x,A_train,b_train,lamda,alpha,max_iter,tol,verbose)
# RSS for each lambda. A@x_path.T is the predicted b at each point, for each set of coeffs i.e. dimensions (n_samples,n_lambdas)
rss[:,fold] = np.sum((A_val@x_path[:,:,fold].T - b_val.reshape(-1,1))**2,axis=0)
# Calc information statistic (AIC or BIC, or RSS if cross validation)
if crit!='CV':
df = np.count_nonzero(x_path[:,:,fold], axis=1) #degrees of freedom can be approximated to be the number of non-zero coefficients [2]
# Approx sigma2 using residual from saturated model
residual = b - A@x_path[-1,:,fold]
sigma2 = np.var(residual)
if crit=='AIC':
ic = rss[:,fold]/(n*sigma2) + (2/n)*df
elif crit=='BIC':
ic = rss[:,fold]/(n*sigma2) + (np.log(n)/n)*df
ic_std = None
# "information criterion" is mean rss over nfold's for cross validation approach
ic = np.nanmean(rss,axis=1) #nanmean in case last fold had len(A_val) therefore that rss not defined
ic_std = np.nanstd(rss,axis=1)
# Select the set of coefficients which minimise IC
idx = np.argmin(ic)
x_best = x_path[idx,:,0]
if verbose: print('\nUsing %a criterion, optimum LASSO lambda = %.2e' %(crit,lamdas[idx]))
return x_best, {'lambdas':lamdas, 'x_path':x_path[:,:,0], 'IC':ic,'IC_std':ic_std,'opt_idx':idx}
def _elastic_net_cd(x,A,b,lamda,alpha, max_iter,tol,verbose):
""" Private method to perform coordinate descent (with elastic net soft thresholding) for a given lambda and alpha value.
Following section 2.6 of [1], the algo does one complete pass over the features, and then for following iterations it only loops over the active set (non-zero coefficients). See commit 2b0af9f58fa5ff1876f76f7aedeaf2a0d7d252c8 for a more simple (but considerably slower for large p) algo.
# TODO - covariance updates (see 2.2 of [1]) could provide further speed up...
# Preliminaries
b = b.reshape(-1)
A2 = np.sum(A**2, axis=0)
dx_tol = tol
n,p = A.shape
finish = False
success = False
attempt = 0
while not success:
attempt += 1
if (attempt > 2):
print('Non-zero coefficients still changing after two cycles, breaking...')
for n_iter in range(max_iter):
x_max = 0.0
dx_max = 0.0
# Residual
r = b - A@x
active_set = set(np.argwhere(x).flatten())
if n_iter == 0 or finish: #First iter or after convergence, loop through entire set
loop_set = set(range(p))
elif n_iter == 1: # Now only loop through active set (i.e. non-zero coeffs)
loop_set = active_set
for j in loop_set:
r = r + A[:,j]*x[j]
rho = A[:,j]@r/(A2[j] + lamda*(1-alpha))
x_prev = x[j]
if j == 0: # TODO - check p0 is still at index 0 when more than parameter
x[j] = rho
x[j] = elastic_net._soft_threshold(rho,lamda*alpha)
r = r - A[:,j]*x[j]
# Update changes in coeffs
if j != 0: # TODO - as above
d_x = abs(x[j] - x_prev)
dx_max = max(dx_max,d_x)
x_max = max(x_max,abs(x[j]))
# Convergence check - early stop if converged
if n_iter == max_iter-1:
conv_msg = 'Max iterations reached without convergence'
finish = True
if x_max == 0.0: # if all coeff's zero
conv_msg = 'Convergence after %d iterations, x_max=0' %n_iter
finish = True
elif dx_max/x_max < dx_tol: # biggest coord update of this iteration smaller than tolerance
conv_msg = 'Convergence after %d iterations, d_x: %.2e, tol: %.2e' %(n_iter, dx_max/x_max,dx_tol)
finish = True
# TODO - add further duality gap check from
#l1_reg = lamda * alpha * n # For use w/ duality gap calc.
#l2_reg = lamda * (1.0 - alpha) * n
#gap = tol + 1
# Check final complete cycle doesn't add to active set, if it does complete entire process (this is rare!)
if finish:
final_active_set = set(np.argwhere(x).flatten())
if len(final_active_set-active_set) == 0:
if verbose: print(conv_msg)
success = True
if verbose: print('Final cycle added non-zero coefficients, restarting coordinate descent')
return x
def _get_lamdas(A,b,n_lamdas,lamda_eps,lamda_maxmax,alpha):
eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
n,p = A.shape
# Get list of lambda's
Ab = (A.T@b*n).reshape(-1) #*n as sum over n
# From sec 2.5 (with normalisation factor added)
Ab /= (np.sum(A**2, axis=0) + eps)
lamda_max = np.max(np.abs(Ab[1:]))/(n*alpha) #1: in here as not applying regularisation to intercept - TODO - check po at 0 for multiple parameters
if lamda_maxmax is not None:
lamda_max = min(lamda_max,lamda_maxmax)
if lamda_max <= np.finfo(float).resolution:
lamdas = np.empty(n_lamdas)
return lamdas
return np.logspace(np.log10(lamda_max * lamda_eps), np.log10(lamda_max),
def _soft_threshold(rho,lamda):
"""Soft thresholding operator for 1D LASSO in elastic net coordinate descent algoritm"""
if rho < -lamda:
return (rho + lamda)
elif rho > lamda:
return (rho - lamda)
return 0.0
[docs] def plot_regpath(self,nplot=None,show=True):
""" Plots the regularisation path. See :func:`plot.plot_regpath<equadratures.plot.plot_regpath>` for full description."""
if hasattr(self, 'elements'):
return plot.plot_regpath(self,elements,nplot,show)
# Custom solver subclass.
[docs]class custom_solver(Solver):
""" Custom solver class.
This class allows you to enter a custom ``solve()`` function to solve :math:`\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}`. The ``solve()`` is provided via ``solver_args``, and should accept the numpy.ndarray's :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{b}`, and return a numpy.ndarray containing the coefficients :math:`\mathbf{x}`.
solver_args : dict
Optional arguments for the solver. Optional arguments for the solver. Additional arguments are passed through to the custom ``solve()`` function as kwargs.
- **verbose** (bool): Default value of this input is set to ``False``; when ``True``, the solver prints information to screen.
- **solve** (Callable): The custom ``solve()`` solve function. This must accept A and b, and return x.
>>> # Create a new solve method - the Kaczmarz iterative solver
>>> def kaczmarz(A, b, verbose=False):
>>> m, n = A.shape
>>> x = np.random.rand(n, 1) # initial guess
>>> MAXITER = 50
>>> for iters in range(0, MAXITER):
>>> if verbose: print('Iteration %d/%d' %(iters,MAXITER))
>>> for i in range(0, m):
>>> a_row = A[i, :].reshape(1, n)
>>> term_3 = float(1.0/(np.dot(a_row , a_row.T)))
>>> term_1 = float(b[i] - float(np.dot(a_row , x)))
>>> x = x + (term_1 * term_3 * a_row.T)
>>> return x
>>> # Wrap this function in the custom_solver subclass and use it to fit a polynomial
>>> mypoly = eq.Poly(myparam, mybasis, method='custom-solver',
>>> sampling_args={'mesh':'user-defined', 'sample-points':X, 'sample-outputs':y},
>>> solver_args={'solve':lsq,'verbose':True})
def __init__(self,solver_args={}):
# Init base class
# Solver specific attributes
self.custom_solve = solver_args.pop('solve',None)
self.kwargs = solver_args
def solve(self, A, b):
# Check if custom_solve is actually a function
if not hasattr(self.custom_solve, '__call__'):
raise ValueError('custom_solve must be a callable function. It should accept A and b only, and return x.')
self.coefficients = self.custom_solve(A,b,**self.kwargs)